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2022 August Construction Update
Construction Update
Phase 4
Work is ongoing in Canadian Lakes with 14 of 17 cabinets have been given to contractors to construct. Consumers Energy completed necessary construction and work is ongoing to connect the areas that were awaiting that connection. The hope is for the remaining three cabinets to be released by the end of September.
In the Camino zone in Lake Isabella, 8 of 11 cabinets have been given to contractors for construction, with work ongoing in 3 additional splitter areas.
Phase 5
Airline, Wing, and Warner zones are complete.
Waterwheel zone is 80% complete with construction. Contracts have been released in this zone. The remaining aerial mainline work is awaiting underground resources.
Fisher zone is 74% complete with construction. Contracts have been released in this zone. Underground work remains the bottleneck.
West Lake is 36% complete with construction. Underground work in this area will become an issue if more resources do not become available.
Knott construction has begun with the first of three areas being nearly completed.
Other Notes
We've been reiterating standards for all construction. Production cannot come at the expense of safety - this is especially important with new crews coming onto the project.
Consistent production remains an issue. We are still working on getting and keeping crews here full time.