2022 December Construction Update
See "Important Definitions" below for more details.

Phase 4:
• Camino zone's final cabinets were tested and completed the week of December 14. Installations are ongoing in this area.
Phase 5:
• Knott zone's construction is complete. Splicing in this area is ongoing with hopes of connecting homes by the end of January.
• Sassafras zone's construction is complete with splicing to begin the week of December 12. Hoping to begin connecting homes shortly after the new year.
• Oxbow zone's construction is being spliced with hopes to connect homes by the end of January.
• Diamond zone's construction is expected to be completed and spliced by the end of January with homes to begin being installed shortly after.
• Pearl zone's construction is ongoing with two different crews working there.
• Vandecar zone's construction began in mid-December with construction expected to wrap up in February.
• Littlefield's construction is slated to begin in early January.
• Evergreen zone is having underground contractors move into the area to stay ahead of the aerial crews.
Overall Notes:
• We have begun laying temp drops as the ground has frozen in most areas.
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