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2022 July Construction Update

7:35AM August 01, 2022

Construction Update

A full construction update from CEO Chris O'Neill can be found here: https://youtu.be/fSAWWDXGxM0

Phase 4

  • Work is ongoing in Canadian Lakes with 14 of 17 cabinets have been given to contractors to construct.  We're awaiting a connection that requires make-ready from Consumers Energy that will be completed on August 4. Homes awaiting this make-ready to be completed will be installed as soon as possible following the completion of the make-ready.
  • We have two underground contractors right now in the Camino zone in Lake Isabella. Five of 11 cabinets have been given to contractors for construction, with work ongoing in four additional splitter areas. Three of the five should be complete within three weeks with the remaining two being started after. 

Phase 5

  • Airline, Wing, and Warner zones are complete.
  • Waterwheel zone is 53% complete with construction. Estimated completion date of September 1, if not sooner.
  • Fisher zone is 72% complete with construction. Estimated completion of August 8 if underground resources become available. Right now, the lack of available crews is slowing progress here.
  • West Lake has been started by aerial crews.
  • Knott construction began on July 25 with a new contractor being brought on to help increase the number of miles we're able to construct each week.

Other Notes

  • We've been reiterating standards for all construction. Production cannot come at the expense of safety - this is especially important with new crews coming onto the project.
  • Production has improved overall as we continue to strive for five miles of placed fiber for each contractor per week. We have not reached our goal yet, but seem to be tracking closer.
  • We are looking to bring on a fifth contractor to help increase the miles of line we're able to build each week.
  • We're monitoring the workload of our contractors and will continue to bring on new contractors to assist with any backlog that we see building up.
  • We have received additional requests for price increases due to fuel costs.

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